Organizing Tips
Organizing Tips

Organizing Tips

Ever have a “To Do” list so big that you need another list to help you tackle it?

If that sounds like you, my guess is you are feeling a bit overwhelmed right now?

Before you know it you will be sitting in the dark because you didn’t pay the electricity bill, the fridge will be bare and your loved ones’ birthdays will have passed you by unacknowledged.

Don’t let this be you; grab a pne and a notebook and read on. You will find that keeping your life simple and organized can be easier than you think. These tips will get you started.

1 Manage your Meals – Choose 10 meals you enjoy, be sure to include lots of variety, and rotate them for a few weeks. Make a standard grocery list to prepare those meals and just take the same list each time you visit the supermarket. Better still, do your grocery shopping online and save your grocery list so that each time you need supplies you can submit the same order.

2 Beat the Bills – You can set up automatic bill payments either via your credit card or internet banking. Work out which method suits you and just do it. Once it is done all you need to do is check the bills when they arrive and then file them straight away – no double handling. Saves time and you won’t be sitting in the dark!

3 A Grip on Greetings – Keep a supply of greeting cards on hand – just grab a few whenever you are buying something from a store that sells them – it is easier to find ones you like when you aren’t looking for a specific card. You can even buy greeting cards on line. Once a month over a glass of wine on a Sunday afternoon, write out all cards for the next month, address, and stamp them and put them in your bag ready to post.

4 One Thing at a Time – Rather than worrying about everything you’d like to organise/clean/tidy, work on one area at a time and focus on it for a minimum of 15 minutes; an hour max. Do this a few times a month and these tasks won’t seem so overwhelming and you can feel positive that you have worked on something that has been on your mind.

5 The Perfect Plan – Whilst spontaneity is the spice of life, sometimes a little planning can go a long way. Everyone should keep a calendar/schedule to manage how your precious time is spent. You don’t have to schedule every minute of every day, but you should start each week day with a plan and try to stick to it. Make sure you give yourself at least one day off each weekend to enjoy “spontaneity”.

6 Halt on Handling – Fill the dishwasher as soon as you’ve finished your meal, action your mail as soon as you open it, if possible empty your Inbox at the end of each day, fold clothes as soon as they come off the line – in other words only handle things once – this will save you time and keep things under control.

Adele Blair

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