Help SLC Provide 100 Meals!
Help SLC Provide 100 Meals!

Help SLC Provide 100 Meals!


This week Senior Lifestyle Concierge will be working hard to collect cans of soup for low-income seniors. This philanthropic initiative  supports the Local Area on Aging’s 8th annual food program, “Soup For Seniors”. Our goal is to collect and donate at least 100 cans of soup or non-perishable items. We know people are busy so, we want to team up with you to make your participation a bit easier! On Saturday, February 8th, we will travel TO YOU and pick up your donations!

Nonperishable foods that are needed (Per Roanoke Times):

  • Cans of soup, especially low-sodium soups.
  • Boxes of crackers.
  • Jars of peanut butter.
  • Individual servings of items such as oatmeal, apple sauce, other fruit.
  • Canned meat and tuna.

Operation ‘Soup for Seniors’ is In effect; here’s how you can help:

  1. Reach out to your family and friends and ask at least one person to partner with you to donate a can of soup for an elder.
  2. Contact LaTron by email or by cell at 540-397-3113 by February 6th, and let us know where to pick up your donations.
  3. We will conduct pick ups on Saturday February 8th from 8am until 12pm. If you will not be there, you can leave your donation on your doorstep in a box or plastic bag (which will be recycled).

Please join us in our support of this initiative, and make a difference in the lives of a senior citizen today!

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