Dear Senior, what does Easter mean to you?
Dear Senior, what does Easter mean to you?

Dear Senior, what does Easter mean to you?

Easter is just a few days away, and we wanted know what Easter means to our seniors. Once the question was posed, the feedback was tremendous. What we learned is Easter means a lot of things to many people, but majority of the the responses exhibit strong religious tones in reference to Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. Others indicated Easter as a time of tranquility, a time to relax, or simply a time to cherish with grandchildren.  Check out some responses below:
Easter reassures me. It is the culmination of winter leaving and spring bringing life back to earth. In the same way, Easter reminds us that Jesus will be with us in our spring.

God’s here. All’s right with the world.

I love the anticipation, the pageantry, the music, the flowers, but most of all the message.

I was blessed to have been part of a neighborhood church sponsored sunrise service operetta for several years. To be with those people, to hear the glorious music and to feel their strength in their faith was wonderful.

Easter is to me a celebration of the Resurrection and also a time of contemplation.

It is easy for us to say that if we were there on that day we would not have been amongst those who scoffed or jeered Jesus as He passed by. But we have hindsight, the people then did not have the bible to learn from. If we knew no more about Jesus than the people there did, would we have treated Him any differently?

When I was a child going to Sunday school we always had a picnic on Easter Sunday. Everyone (adult and child) had a hard boiled egg with them. The main focus of the picnic was the moment when we all rolled our eggs. This was to symbolise the rolling away of the stone blocking the entrance to the tomb Jesus was in, and therefore His Resurrection.

I cannot see the significance of the Easter Bunny or fluffy chicks at all, other than an attempt to incorporate the pagan Spring festival of the rebirth of the earth after winter with the celebration of Christ. I see nothing wrong with that as long as the reason and focus is still centred on Christ.

I like this Easter song…

It is so good to know that Jesus will be back. But not to a crucifixion.


To me Easter menas peace and tranquility, in the Church the priest wears white vestments on that day and the day after, and there are white lilies on the altar, its very peaceful.
Easter is a Christian celebration. To me it’s bunnies and chocolate eggs and the grandchildren having fun finding them (before the dogs or squirrels find them first.)
For me here in Italy it means 5 VACATION days!!!!! I get to sleep late and don’t have to do the school run. YEAHHH!
Whatever it means to you, SLC encourages you to take time this Easter reflect on the good things in life, cherish the moments of having family dinners, and entertainment. Take this time to love one another and put aside any differences among siblings, children, or rivalries. Take the time to focus on Optimal Living and have a Happy EASTER!
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