Finding Personal Time
Finding Personal Time

Finding Personal Time

No matter how busy you are, you should always make time to relax and enjoy yourself. Here are seven easy solutions for finding that personal time.

1. BLOCK OUT SOME TIME.Restrict specific days and times of the week that you only use for fun or relaxing activities. Mark these on your calendar/diary so you don’t schedule an appointment or meeting during these time frames.

2. PUT IT ON YOUR TO DO LIST.To Do lists aren’t just for tasks and chores. They’re also for fun activities or relaxing moments.

3. SWITCH OFF.Throughout your day, do a task and then do a fun or relaxing activity. Keep repeating in this order.

4. GIVE IT AWAY. You need to delegate! If you’re always trying to do everything yourself when you can get help from a spouse, child, associate or outside source, you’ll never have time for you. There are almost always others that can help.

5. STREAMLINE.For two weeks, write down all of your tasks and how long they take you to perform. Analyze your log at the end of the two weeks and determine which tasks need to be streamlined. Perhaps you might find that the two hours it’s taking you to clean each day can be streamlined to one hour, or the time it’s taking you to get ready for work can be reduced by 20 minutes.

6. SAY ‘NO’ SOMETIMES.You don’t have to say Yes to every single request for your time. So many people wear themselves thin by being so agreeable. So if you’re already making cookies for your daughter’s bake sale, don’t also agree to babysit your neighbor’s son in the same week. If you respect your time, others will too.

7. MAKE FUN A PRIORITY.Many people consider fun and/or relaxation to be a low priority–something they only do if they get everything else done. Having personal time is key to a balanced, healthy life. Although it shouldn’t take over, it should show up regularly throughout your day–just like your other important tasks.

Adele Blair

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